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  3. Customer would like to pay with a Wire Transfer.
  1. Home
  2. Bill Payment Options
  3. Customer would like to pay with a Wire Transfer.
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  3. Customer would like to pay with a Wire Transfer.

Customer would like to pay with a Wire Transfer.

Liquid Graphics regularly takes payments via Wire Transfer.

If the customer wants to pay via Wire Transfer follow the next Steps:

Step 1) Ask the customer if they have already placed an order? or if they are looking to pay via Credit Card for an upcoming order?

    A) If the customer has already placed an order. Ask the customer for the Order Invoice# and name of the sales representative who took their order. Make note their responses and include them in the email in Step 3.

    B) If the customer is looking to setup a wire transfer for the an upcoming order. Make a note of this and include in the email in Step 3.

Step 2) Inform the customer that their request has been received and they will be contacted by Liquid Graphics accounting department to setup the wire transfer.

Step 3) Send Tiffany [email protected] an email explaining who the potential customer is and that they would like to pay via a wire transfer, Tiffany will then reach out and contact the customer with the details. Include the customer’s sales representative on the email as a CC if the customer supplied you with that information in Step 1. Include in the email any additional information you have about the customer (Name, Company, Email) and any other information gathered on Step 1.

Updated on May 31, 2019

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